A strange object is being kicked into the sea, causing tourists to see it and run away

Many of the unidentified objects and luminous anomalous phenomena originate in a zone south of the island of Vieques, coming out from or entering the sea.

The object was sucking water from the sea, and the water was swirling like in a blender. A column of bright green light, similar to that of a powerful spotlight, was coming out from under the object.

The footage of the space shuttle flights STS-48 and STS-80 include a number of abnormalities, which Dr. Mark Carlotto has published in an outstanding study and scientific analysis.

The event he names as F-1 in the STS-80 mission footage caught our attention in that report because, according to Dr. Carlotto’s research, it originates to the east of Puerto Rico, precisely in a region south of the island of Vieques.

The “anomaly” is made up of a sizable luminous object that appears to have emerged from the water at a location in the southern part of the island of Vieques and is currently ascending into space while being captured by the shuttle’s camera. The object moves to the left as it gets close to the space shuttle and vanishes from view.

In my book Vieques: Caribbean UFO Cover-Up of the Third Kind, I discuss several instances that have involved UFOs and/or aliens in the same region.

Because they CONFIRM the situation we have been reporting for the past five years, we think Dr. Carlotto’s event F-1 findings are extremely significant. A lot of the unidentified objects and luminous anomalous phenomena described in the book originate in that same zone, coming out of or entering the sea.

Numerous such significant occurrences have been recorded by Vieques Municipal and Puerto Rico State police, US Navy security officers, Vieques Municipal workers and officials, fishermen, pilots, civilian pacifist demonstrators, and numerous others.

Secret Special Order of President Clinton

After the arrests of several peaceful demonstrators on Vieques on May 4, 2000, additional things happened, some of which even shocked Puerto Rico’s political authorities. One such occurrence was the blockade that US Coast Guard ships placed around Vieques, preventing the island’s fishermen from leaving to work at sea and provide for their daily needs.

Popular Puerto Rican radio show “Fuego Cruzado” (Crossfire), which examines political and social issues, questioned the Coast Guard’s course of action. A pro-Independence commentator on the panel, Carlos Gallis, questioned why the US Coast Guard operated in this way during the show when, in most cases, they wouldn’t be allowed to erect a blockade.

Why would actions of benign civil disobedience be called acts of rebellion? It soon came to light that the Coast Guard was operating under a classified directive from President William Clinton, who proclaimed the Vieques region to be “…one in state of rebellion.”

, the panelists were asked.

According to the so-called secret, special order, which was issued by President Clinton in accordance with the US National Security Act, the Vieques situation had a dangerous impact on American relations with a foreign power and was particularly risky to the country’s interest in maintaining its national security.

Unknowingly, the panel touched a nerve on the topic of Vieques; it was something that was never discussed, had significant ramifications, and worried US national security strategists. The panel on the radio program asked which nation this was, as such a justification to issue the order “did not make any sense.”

The truth is that none of the countries that took part in bombing drills with the US Navy and tested out new weapons near Vieques posed any threat to the US. So, when President Clinton signed this classified order, to what country or “foreign power” was he referring, and why was it classified?

The “foreign force” President Clinton was referring to may have really been an extraterrestrial civilisation represented by creatures that appear to live underground in the El Yunque Rain Forest in Puerto Rico’s east and near the island of Vieques, which is located several miles off the island’s west coast.

Triangle-shaped UFOs hovering over a US Navy airstrip and UFOs emerging from the water are two instances of this presence in the region. We interviewed the Director of the Vieques Municipal Police, Officer Wilfredo Feliciano, who informed us of a number of critical observations.

A few days later, my wife informed me that she had also saw an item identical to mine in the same location above Camp Garc’a’s runway during the night. The following weekend, while we were making our way to her mother’s house, we noticed another triangle. This time, our boys were in the car with us and they witnessed everything as well.

Feliciano and his family saw the thing from a distance of two miles away, and even then, they estimated its size to be between three and four feet long, indicating that it was a very massive item.

He also revealed to us that while performing his duties as a municipal police officer, he was required to patrol the territory west of Vieques, which was still under US Navy control at the time. During these patrols, he frequently reported seeing brightly lit UFOs emerge from the water in the Punta Arenas area and fly away quickly into the night sky. The objects frequently made a series of sharp bends before vanishing.

This has occurred several times, occasionally between the hours of 9 and 11 p.m. and other times around 2 or 3 in the morning. They emerge from the water at a location smack in the midst between Ceiba’s Roosevelt Roads Naval Station and Punta Arenas.

Large Saucer Craft Absorbs Water from the Sea

Carlos Zenn, a fisherman from Viequense, is a leader in the drive to expel the US Navy from the island. Due to their dedication to this cause, he and his kids both spent time behind bars in the US federal jail in Puerto Rico.

Mr. Zenn gave us his testimony about some impressive events he had personally witnessed after being assured of the seriousness of our investigation. He also made comments about potential US Navy involvement in the UFO and alien incidents that the people of Vieques had been experiencing. He declared:

“These kinds of things have been happening in Vieques for a while. It is not a novel concept. In 1996, I went out to sea with a few other fisherman to go fishing. A few miles south of La Esperanza, we were. We unexpectedly witnessed something at 9:00 PM. We observed a number of really brilliant light spheres emerge from Cerro Ventana’s summit (mountain located in the south of Vieques).

These blue-white light globes appeared to emerge directly from the top of the hill. They soared directly over us as they went around the hill and out to sea to the south. They quickly circled and turned at an angle. A barely audible whistling or hissing sound that appeared to originate from them could be heard.

Then they went back to the US Navy-controlled regions of Playa Grande and Cerro Ventana and vanished inside the mountain. They appeared to have blended into the mountainside.

“The most amazing thing that happened was when we were out at sea fishing at night and came upon a gigantic object. We had just left La Esperanza and I was with An’bal Corcino and his father.

“Because I was the captain and in command of the rudder at the moment, I wasn’t initially aware of the item. When they spotted it, An’bal and his father exclaimed, “Carlos, look at that!” ’ I looked back and saw this gigantic … a type of craft. It emerged from the water close to the Playa Grande lagoon in the south, which is also the location of the Navy’s (Raytheon) ROTHR radar system. It rose from its position and started coming closer to us.

It was a very enormous ship that was massive and covered with numerous lights. It was a flying saucer, a large, spherical, disc-shaped craft. Despite being some distance away from us, it was easily seen because of its size and the yellow, blue, and red lights it was covered with.

The strangest aspect of all was that the saucer-like object was absorbing water from the ocean. The sea’s surface water was bouncing and circling, seemingly boiling. It was like a whirlpool. It appeared to be rising into the saucer in the form of a water column.

“All of us were quite amazed. I had never before in my life witnessed anything comparable to this craft. It appeared to be between 40 and 50 feet in diameter from where we were, and we were approximately a mile and a half away. You can get a general notion of the size from that.

But the fact that it was drawing water from the sea and that the water was spinning like it was in a blender was what most amazed me. Under the item, a column of brilliant green light, resembling a strong spotlight, began emerging. There was a hole there, and the beam emerged vertically and downward. Through the light’s beam, the water was able to ascend into the saucer. After then, the object quickly vanished to the west while flying at an incredible pace.

“These so-called flying saucers have been spotted by several other persons in both the western and eastern regions of Vieques. Deeper investigation reveals that the US Navy is in charge of these regions, and the Navy has never expressed concern about the situation. They must be aware of what is going on in some way. They simply don’t appear to care that these items are there.

We must therefore consider whether there is any interaction or cooperation between the crew members of these vessels and those from the US Navy. But it is challenging to determine this. The problem is complicated. Since the Navy has been around for 62 years and has never condemned this, we need to ask ourselves what is going on.

All of this leads us to wonder if there might be hidden motives behind the Navy’s expulsion of the Vieques locals and their relocation to a small plot of land in the island’s middle. Both the eastern and western parts of Vieques, where there are extensive stretches of deserted and restricted regions, as well as hills and beaches that no one has access to, are under the jurisdiction of the Navy.

“It would be extremely advantageous for them if these things took place in these places and the US Navy was somehow engaged since no one would see and know what they were doing there. It’s also possible that the US government and members of the Navy are doing covert research on this cutting-edge technology, which may be extraterrestrial in origin, in the Vieques region.

“Who knows? Perhaps what we’ve seen here has something to do with newly created and clandestinely tested aircraft prototypes. They could be in touch and conversing with the OVNI (UFO) team, but they don’t want the general public to be aware of it.

This is a pretty dangerous scenario. I remained mute throughout because others would question what you say about this sort of stuff. One of these crafts, particularly one as large as the one we saw, has not been seen by everyone.

“Only because my boys and I resisted what they were doing in Vieques have we been detained, imprisoned. I’m aware that US government organizations have influenced public perception, even among those who haven’t seen any of this in person. They attempt to convince them that nothing is happening and that the UFO and alien realities are untrue. They would undoubtedly start a campaign of mockery against us while also using it to undermine the Viequese people’s fight to stop the Navy’s bombing drills. This is why I have held back from commenting until now.

But the citizens of our nation, particularly those from Vieques, are familiar with me and are aware that everything I do is guided by my values and ideals. They are aware that I don’t care about publicity or the creation of such a thing because I believe that doing so would undermine our efforts to convince the Navy to leave and our credibility. That is our major objective. We have made a lot of sacrifices personally for our cause.

“We should now talk about this issue. On the populated island of Vieques, the Navy employed chemical and biological weapons. It is forbidden to use these weapons close to civilian areas. Up until recently, when Pentagon records proved it, they denied it.

They denied doing so until it was also proven that they had used live ammunition laced with depleted uranium. As a result of what we have observed thus far, they may be utilizing Vieques to communicate with these vessels and their crew while keeping their identity a mystery. Maybe the US Navy would feel compelled to acknowledge it is happening if a bunch of diligent persons like yourselves looked into it and made all the findings public. However, there is undoubtedly something going on, and the US Navy is somehow engaged but won’t reveal what.

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