Astounding Discoveries: The Most Terrifying Planets in the Universe! (VIDEO)

Are you someone who has looked up at the sky and felt the shiver-inducing, bone-chilling terror of the vast, empty space and the unknown mysteries that lie beyond? The thought of black holes that can erase matter or the existence of countless strange exoplanets might make you shudder. Today, we’ll take you on a thrilling ride through six of the most extraordinary exoplanets that resemble real-life hells. Some of these planets are so isolated and baffling that they even deceive astronomers!

The Most Horrifying Planets Ever Discovered - YouTube

First on the list is the strange and exotic planet, Corro 7b. On this planet, you would witness a rainfall like no other. It’s not the typical water droplets that would wet your clothes. Instead, it’s raining rocks the size of your head or even bigger. So unless you have an umbrella made of titanium, you’re out of luck. The size of this unusual planet is slightly bigger than Earth, and it’s relatively close to us, only about 489 light-years away. However, it’s entirely uninhabitable, with zero percent possibility of life on the planet.

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If you ever got a chance to witness the sunrise on Corro 7b, that would be the last thing you would ever see. The rays of the morning star, Corro 7, from the Monoceros or Unicorn constellation, would turn you into ash as soon as the sun appears over the horizon. The reason for the brightness of the sunrise on this planet is due to its proximity to the star. It’s 60 times closer to its star than we are to our sun, and the visible size of the Corro 7 star is 360 times larger than our sun.

10 Most TERRIFYING Planets in the Universe - YouTube

The temperature on the sunny side of the planet is scorching, reaching up to 4,700 degrees Fahrenheit or 2,600 degrees Celsius, hot enough to melt and vaporize rocks. The vaporized rock rises to the upper atmosphere, where condensation happens, turning the vapors into fine gravel during the colder front passing. This leads to small rock fragments falling to the ground, also known as “literal rock rain.”

Some theoretical models suggest that you could come across an entire ocean of lava on this planet, making the situation even more terrifying. The planet is locked in position with the fire and sulfur side always facing the host star, while the other side of the planet is freezing cold, with surface temperatures reaching as low as -390 degrees Fahrenheit or -235 degrees Celsius.
The Most Horrifying Planets Ever Discovered - YouTube

Aszronomers believe that Corro 7b initially formed as a gas giant that was 100 times larger than Earth, but as it moved closer to its star, the gas membrane was getting thinner under the influence of the sun’s wind until all that was left was the rocky core.

But wait, there’s more!

These Are The Scariest Planets We've Ever Found - YouTube

The next planet on the list is J1407b, and getting anywhere near it is a terrifying thought. This massive gas giant is surrounded by a seemingly endless belt of rock and ice, tempting us to compare it to our Saturn. However, the difference is that J1407b’s 30 rings span over 110 million miles, 200 times wider than Saturn’s three main rings. To put it into perspective, the distance between Earth and the sun is 93 million miles, while J1407b’s rings are 1.2 astronomical units wide.

The only way that rings of this scale could form is through the mass destruction of a planet’s satellites. It’s likely that J1407b’s mass is between ten.


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