Conquer the Universe: NASA Takes Spacecraft to a Distance of 23 Billion Km and Discovers LIFE(VIDEO)

In late June, researchers reported that Voyager 1 was sending data to Earth indicating that it had lost its orientation in space. In general, the probe’s problems…

Magical Event: Real-Time Exploding Star Observation for the First Time

For the first time, astronomers have witnessed a massive star explode in a flaming supernova — and the show was even more spectacular than the experts had…

Asteroid secrets: The building blocks of Life can be picked up from interstellar clouds

According to new research, interstellar clouds may have played a crucial role in the formation of amino acids, which are a fundamental component of life. Amino acids…

Supermassive black hole has grown rapidly in the past 9 billion years: New discovery surprises science

The brightest objects are sometimes the ones that are the most difficult to find – that’s why it took so long for astronomers to discover the brightest…

The video captures the silver metallic UFO flying over the center of Mexico City(VIDEO)

This is a spectacular UFO filmed over a Mexican city centre and to boot, literally everyone can see it as it’s a daytime UFO incident.Basically anyone who…

The appearance of a triangular UFO was suddenly recorded in the sky of India (VIDEO)

This is something different. This is not the sun. I believe this is not a UFO, this is something else,” says the eyewitness in the video.YouTube conspiracy…

Video recording UFO images hidden in the cloud caused a stir in the online community (VIDEO)

This Flying Saucer UFO was way up in the cloud’s which was hiding behind the cloud’s and it isn’t blurred because it’s not been zoomed into This…

Strange light phenomenon in Sweden: Serious event under investigation

The following video has been taken by Kristina Skis, a resident of Eskilstuna, Sweden. Kristina said she was trying to film a thunderstorm with her phone’s camera…

The mysterious large tower in Area 51: Unanswered questions (VIDEO)

A group of ufologists made a marvelous discovery when analyzing some of the photographs in Area 51, situated in Nevada. Area 51, according to conspirators, is the…

White Holes and Twins: The Mystery of Extremely Evil Objects

A white hole is the theoretical opposite of a black hole, instead of gobbling up everything around it, spewing matter out into the cosmos. Image credit: Artsiom…