New: Astronomers Solve an Exciting Black Hole Paradox(VIDEO)

The universe in its first hundred million years was very different, gravity was starting to converge on cosmic gas clouds and the appearance of the cosmic black and the first generation of stars only rich in hydrogen and helium is beginning to form.

Surprisingly, however, massive black holes up to a billion times the mass of the Sun appeared during that period.

If we consider the traditional picture of black hole formation and growth, the very young universe, less than a billion years old, certainly does not exist long enough to allow black holes to grow to their mass. proportional to the sun.

If our current model of black holes is correct, such massive black holes, especially quasars, should not have formed in that epoch of the universe.

But in reality, they existed in the early universe, So how did such massive black holes form in the early universe and ɡаіп massive mass in just a few million years? Finally and most importantly, this changes our current understanding of black hole formation.

Welcome to this promising video about solving an interesting contradiction about black holes. What is surprising is that massive black holes with masses up to a billion times the Sun appeared in the early universe.

However, according to the traditional picture of the formation and growth of black holes


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