Fisherman’s insane battle with four-metre long monster crocodile to save his son’s hat (VIDEO)

Scott Roscarel refused to let go of the fish, dragged it and the crocodile onto nearby concrete and ended up jumping backwards to save his son’s hat…

Uпveiliпg the Spectacυlar Spake Factory iп Chiпa: A Oпe-of-a-Kiпd Experieпce

Uпveiliпg the Spectacυlar Spake Factory iп Chiпa: A Oпe-of-a-Kiпd Experieпce

China has long been known for its manufacturing prowess, producing everything from electronics to clothing to toys. However, there is one type of factory that you may never have heard of: the snake…

Stunned snorkeler finds £1,000 wedding ring wrapped around fish’s neck

Susan Prior found a gold wedding ring caught around a fish with scuba diving off Norfolk Island, Australia, near the sight where a bloke said he had…

Shark horror for beachgoers as huge 10ft great white seen lurking off coast

The great white shark, a beast called ‘Penny’ that is more than 10ft long, was spotted in Ocean City, New Jersey – the beast weighs 37 stone…

Abandoned Mama Dog Seeks Refuge at Our Shelter, Blesses Us with a Bundle of 14 Tiny Treasures

Mam Nata was left in front of IAPA on Christmas Eve 22, she is around 8 weeks pregnant – nearly giving birth When Instituto Amor em Patas…

11-year-old UK child breaks the world record by catching a 96 pound fish, almost as heavy as him

A British schoolboy has broken a world record for biggest-ever carp caught for a junior angler. Callum Pettit, 11, snared a common carp that weighed a whopping…

‘Notorious’ orangutan gropes young woman’s breasts and gives kisses on command

Nhong the orangutan rose to internet stardom after videos showed him kissing tourists on the face and occasionally pulling a pesky stunt to cup women’s breasts. A…

Putin ‘using spy whales and killer dolphins’ with mammals trained to fight its enemies

Indicative reports and claims dating back into the Cold War have led experts to believe the remarkable allegations facing Hvaldimir “the spy” whale could have their roots…

Mutant two-headed cow born on ranch not even ‘weirdest creature farmer has seen’

Farmer Matthew Hoheisel recently welcomed the bizarre beast to his farm in Minnesota, USA, but said it was still trumped by the ᴛι̇ɱe he delivered had a…

Daredevil bloke who tried kissing snake he saved is brutally bitten in wild stunt (VIDEO)

The Indian ɱaп called Alex was rescuing two wild snakes from a small village in Shivamogga, Karnataka when he decided to try to kiss the snake –…