Mysterious Triangle UFO Spotted Using Unknown Energy Source (video)

Have you ever heard about the Bermuda Triangle, where several planes and ships have disappeared without a trace? Well, it seems that the mystery surrounding the area…

Watch: UFO Sighting Filmed Soaring Above Houses in Broad Daylight

The recent video of a UFO sighting in broad daylight has sparked curiosity and excitement among those interested in the possibility of extraterrestrial life. In this article,…

Witnesses Describe the Unbelievable UFO Sighting in Hanoi, Vietnam During Lightning Storm (video)

On a stormy night in Hanoi, Vietnam, a group of people witnessed a spectacular event that they will never forget. A strange, glowing object appeared in the…

Most Convincing UFO Sighting That’s Ever Took Place At The International Space Station (video)

UFO sightings have been a topic of interest for many people for years. The possibility of extraterrestrial life and advanced technology has captured the imagination of the…

Flying Saucer or Cone-Shaped UFO? New Footage Captures Mysterious Object (video)

Recently, a video of a mysterious object flying in the sky has gone viral on social media. The video shows an object that appears to be a…

Breaking News: UFOs Captured on Video Near Norwegian Submarine Base in Arctic Waters

The possibility of extraterrestrial life has fascinated people for centuries, and reports of UFO sightings have only added fuel to the fire. In recent news, a video…

Triangle Shaped Craft Filmed By Ten’s Of People Over Santa Monica Pier

On April 22nd, 2023, a peculiar event took place over the Santa Monica Pier in California. Dozens of people reported seeing a triangle-shaped craft flying low over…

Triangle UFO In Kuala Lumpur Clouds and Passing By The Moon

In recent years, there have been numerous sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) across the globe. Some are easily explained, while others remain a mystery. The latest…

UFO appeared in the rain in Dubai with a scary trumpet-like sound that was filmed by people

The internet is buzzing with news of an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) that appeared in the rain in Dubai. The event was captured on video by several…

Look, this isn’t human technology, it’s alien technology (video)

Over the years, there have been numerous reports of strange and unexplained phenomena that have been attributed to extraterrestrial activity. From sightings of strange lights in the…