UFO filmed пear British Air Force base, UFO is Real

In 2009, the British government closed the Department of Unidentified Flying Object Research, saying it had “no defense purpose”. This prompted people to accuse the government of hiding extraterrestrial information, so alternative investigations began… and video was released of a UFO flying near a UK Royal Air Force base.

A UFO leaving a strange white trail was filmed over Britain’s Royal Air Force Base Wycombe. He once again reopened the UFO issue in the UK.

Lucas Budel, 19, recorded video of an unidentified flying object in Wycombe, in the English county of Buckinghamshire. Very close to the RAF base.

Interestingly, the government has used this base in the past to investigate UFO sightings in the UK.

The boy told the Daily Star newspaper that he was in the bedroom when he saw a very bright light falling from the sky. He thought it was a meteorite, until it stopped for a few seconds and went away.

The video quickly went viral and most users claimed it was a UFO. Experts have noted the unusual movements it makes in the sky, which no ground plane can do.

But there’s also the possibility that it’s a secret, reverse-engineered military spacecraft.

But after analyzing the video, Budel suggested the UFO might be hiding in an electric cloud.

The young man also said he saw the UFO split into two separate luminous bodies. It is therefore clearly a strange phenomenon. Whether it’s a thunderstorm, military tests or something extraterrestrial. It was something he had never seen before.

For skeptics, it is a cloud charged with electricity.

Apparently, when the ground is warm, the air above is also heated. This air rises and, as it rises, the water vapor cools to form a cloud.

As the air continues to rise, the cloud gets bigger. At the tops of the clouds, the temperature is below the freezing point and the water vapor turns into ice.

Now the cloud becomes a thunderstorm. Many small pieces of ice collide with each other as they travel. All of these collisions cause an accumulation of electrical charges.

The cloud completely fills with this charge, forming lighter, positively charged particles at the top of the cloud. The heaviest particles, negatively charged, remain at the bottom.

So, when the charges become large enough, lightning occurs in the cloud. It’s like a static spark, but much bigger.


So far, no meteorological expert has decided to clarify the issue. This is why the theories and controversies continue.


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