Unveiling the Mystery of the Local Bubble: The Giant Bubble that Encompasses Our Sun (VIDEO)

Have you ever wondered what’s really happening in our solar system? We all know about the planets and the countless asteroids and comets that zoom past us, but there’s something even more mind-boggling that’s been discovered by scientists. And it’s all been captured in a fascinating video that’s a must-watch.

What was the change that occurred in 2006 in the Solar System - Space blog

According to this incredible video, our solar system is surrounded by a giant bubble that’s over 1,000 light years in diameter. And the most amazing part is that our sun is right smack in the center of this bubble. Yes, you read that right. We’re living in a huge bubble, and we had no idea!

But what does this really mean? Well, it turns out that our solar system works in a very interesting way. Back in 1977, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 were launched from Cape Canaveral, and they made an incredible discovery. As they traveled further away from the sun, they found that the density of space started to increase. Now, interstellar space is often considered to be a vacuum, but there’s still some matter in it. The solar wind, for example, has a density of protons and electrons that ranges from three to ten particles per cubic centimeter. However, the farther you go from the sun, the lower the density of space becomes.

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This is where things get really interesting. At the edge of our solar system, there’s a boundary called the heliopause. This is where the speed of the solar wind drops to zero, and the density of protons and electrons is at its lowest at 0.002 particles per cubic centimeter. But beyond the heliopause, the density of particles in interstellar space is supposed to be 0.037 particles per cubic centimeter.

What If You Fell Into Jupiter's Red Spot? - YouTube

When Voyager 2 reached a distance of 119.7 astronomical units (or 17.9 billion kilometers) from the sun, it found that the density outside the solar system was almost exactly what was predicted. However, at a distance of 124.2 astronomical units (or 18.5 billion kilometers), something strange happened. The density suddenly shot up to 0.12 particles per cubic centimeter. Why? We’ll get to that in a moment.

Jupiter's Great Red Spot is 40 times deeper than Mariana Trench | Live  Science

But there’s another bubble that’s even larger than the heliosphere. It’s called the local bubble, and it has a diameter of over 1,000 light years. It’s been discovered that the solar system is located almost right in the center of this bubble. Scientists at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics used complex computer simulations to create a three-dimensional reconstruction of space and time. What they found was astonishing. The bubble was created by a series of supernovae explosions that pushed the interstellar gas outward, creating a bubble-like structure with a dense surface at the boundary. This bubble continues to grow in size, and we’re right in the middle of it.

20 Intriguing Exoplanets | NASA

So, what does all of this mean? It means that our solar system is surrounded by two bubbles, both of which are constantly changing and growing. It’s a reminder that we’re just a small part of a much larger universe, and that there’s still so much we don’t know about the world around us. But it’s also a reminder of the incredible discoveries that science can make when we push the boundaries of our knowledge.

In conclusion, this video is a must-watch for anyone who’s interested in the mind-blowing reality of our solar system. It’s a fascinating look at the incredible discoveries that.


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