NASA’s Groundbreaking Discovery: The Largest Black Hole Ever Seen (VIDEO)

Black holes are among the most intriguing and mystifying objects in the universe. They are invisible, yet their powerful gravitational pull makes them all-consuming entities that never seem to stop growing. But how do these seemingly empty spaces come to be, and just how enormous can they get? To understand black holes, we must first understand gravity.

New Unbelievably Big Black Hole - Size Comparison 2021 | WordlessTech

When we throw a ball or launch a rocket, we must apply a certain amount of force to overcome Earth’s gravitational pull. This force is known as the escape velocity, and it varies depending on the mass of the object. For instance, the minimum escape velocity needed to leave Earth’s gravity is about 11.2 kilometers per second, or roughly 6.9 miles per second . But the escape velocity of a black hole is much greater – it’s either equal to or greater than the speed of light. Since nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, nothing can escape a black hole’s event horizon – the point of no return.

New Unbelievably Big Black Hole - Size Comparison 2021 | WordlessTech

But if black holes don’t let any light out, how can we observe them? Although black holes may appear to be empty, they are anything but. Anything that enters a black hole becomes tightly packed and can’t get away. A black hole’s gravitational pull attracts gas and matter, creating an accretion disk around it. The particles in this disk move incredibly fast, producing X-rays and gamma rays that we can detect using specialized telescopes and satellites .

Super-detailed black hole simulations solved a longstanding mystery

Additionally, the motion of interstellar material and stars around a black hole can also indicate a strong gravitational field, helping us detect the presence of a black hole . But what does it take to create a black hole? Two things: mass and density. For example, if we compressed the mass of the Sun to a radius of just 3 kilometers, it would turn into a black hole. Similarly, to create a black hole out of the Earth, we’d have to squeeze its mass into a sphere the size of a small pea, which is less than 9 millimeters in radius.

New Unbelievably Big Black Hole - Size Comparison 2021 | WordlessTech

But do black holes as tiny as these actually exist? In theory, yes. Primordial black holes, which are the smallest type of black hole, could be as small as a single atom or even smaller. These black holes could have formed shortly after the Big Bang, but they would have evaporated almost instantly due to their extreme heat. However, some scientists believe that primordial black holes could be a component of dark matter, which is still largely a mystery .

Most Distant Quasar Discovered Sheds Light on How Black Holes Grow |  University of Arizona News

Moving on from hypothetical primordial black holes, we can be sure that stellar black holes exist. They typically form when a massive star explodes in a supernova, and their mass is measured in solar masses. For reference, one solar mass is about 1.9 nonillion kilograms, or 4.18 nonillion pounds . The mass of a typical stellar black hole ranges from 3 to 10 solar masses. The first stellar black hole we discovered was Cygnus X-1 .

Star-shredding black hole caught on NASA camera

In conclusion, black holes are some of the most captivating objects in the universe. They are strange, mysterious, and incredibly powerful. Thanks to modern technology and our understanding of gravity, we can observe and learn more about them than ever before. Who knows what other secrets these cosmic giants hold?



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